Monday, May 18, 2015

Kerry in Moscow to Save USA’s face in Ukrainian Fiasco

The emphatic assertion made by Kerry – while meeting Lavrov in Sochi - that Ukraine must abide by the Minsk accord was like a bolt out of the blue. For a year and a half, US and its allies have supported Poroshenko and even overlooked heinous war crimes committed by his government since he is their puppet. On the other hand, they have hurled outrageous claims after claims against Russia of aggression against Ukraine without citing an iota of proof and have called on Russia to stop it. In fact, the opposite is true. It is the western bloc – NATO, EU and US – which is continuing to provide both overt and covert support to Poroshenko government in the form of military instructors and items like APCs etc.

In Sochi, Kerry was responding to the threats made by delusional Poroshenko about retaking Donetsk airport and bringing it under Ukrainian control. Such a move would automatically render Minsk accord null and void and would trigger renewed hostilities in Ukraine.


Following an extensive six hour discussion between US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and President Putin, Kerry stressed that any Ukrainian efforts to seize the Donetsk Airport through force would violate the Minsk Protocol and would face strict opposition from Washington.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko vowed to retake Donetsk Airport by whatever means necessary, despite the fact that doing so would directly violate the Minsk deal to move heavy weapons away from the demarcation line.

"I have no doubt,” Poroshenko said during the premier of the documentary "Airport," "we will free the airport, because it is our land. And we will rebuild the airport."

"What is important is to make sure that both sides are moving forward in implementing the Minsk accord in its full measure," Kerry said, adding that he had urged President Poroshenko to honor the ceasefire.

The big question, therefore, is: Why did Kerry suddenly decide to criticize Poroshenko?

Is it because Kerry found out that the renewed hostilities would cause more carnage and bloodshed and the Ukrainian administration would be held responsible for it?

Or, Could it be that the US is looking for a way out of the mess they created?

It is highly unlikely that the nation that has used “bomb, bomb, bomb” strategy - not to spread democracy though it professes to do so – but as a facade to beat nations into submission to accept its hegemony would suddenly develop pangs of conscience at the civilian sufferings and human rights in Ukraine. However, that conscience develops selectively when it suits its interest – consider Syria but not Ukraine.

The far more likely reason seems to be a combination of various factors. The participation of Chinese and Indian troops and President Xi sitting next to President Putin seems to have telegraphed not just to USA but to the entire world that a new world order – not the kind US and its allies had envisioned - but rather a different one championed by Russia and its BRICS partners of a multipolar world order based on the equality for all nations is emerging, an order which is abhorrent to the USA seeking itself absolute domination over everyone.

This certainly could not have escaped the attention of the leaders of the western world. Here are the three nations that represent not only the future economic growth, and stability but also have the ability to act as an antidote to the vicious grip of the western world led by US-UK, their allies, the World Bank, IMF, etc.   

The stupid ideas of sanctions on Russia have backfired. Not only the Russian economy is in stronger position but its currency has also strengthened. The rising oil prices have replenished Russian coffers. And, the naked show of belligerence by the USA has united not only BRICS nations but swung the opinion of world in Russia’s favor as well. Russia is signing massive trade deals after deals not just with BRICS nations but other countries as well like Turkey (a key NATO member), Argentina, Nicaragua, Vietnam, etc.

This has driven home the point: USA is losing its face badly on the international stage. Instead of isolating Russia, it is USA which is becoming a pariah on the international stage. And it is the Ukrainian fiasco that has contributed and accelerated its decline more on the world stage.

Ukraine is entering the final stage of its destruction. Its economy is set to go belly up. It is on the verge of default and IMF predicts that it will do so. The only way US puppet Poroshenko can stay in power is by starting the war in eastern Ukraine to divert the attention of the broke and hungry masses.

And, if that happens, then this time there won't be a Minsk 3.0 as none of the European countries would be willing to get involved in the fight. The Novo Russian Armed Forces of Donetsk and Lugansk – backed by people from other restive regions like Odessa, Kharkov, and Dnepropetrovsk etc. – would simply march on to Kiev toppling the US puppet. That would be an absolute nightmare for US and a loss of card which was meant to be used to not only drive the wedge between Europe and Russia to prevent Eurasian economic union but also to weaken Russia so that it would no longer be able to challenge US hegemony.

But Pororshenko is not in a position to carry out the implementation of Minsk accord. If he tries to do that, then the various radicals in Ukrainian parliament and neo-Nazi groups would simply go after him. Any which way, Poroshenko is in a jam and the USA seems to have gotten astronomical negative return on its investment in Ukraine. Even its vassal states in Europe like France and Germany have begun to sound independent foreign policy opinion. The USA, it seems, no longer has the stomach for more bad returns on its mal-investment in Ukraine.

USA is, therefore, eagerly looking forward to wash its hands off the whole mess and toss it into the lap of Russians to take care of it. It badly underestimated the politics of that region. The ideologies of cold-war era neo-cons have blown up spectacularly in its face.   

And, hence the need for affirming support for Minsk 2.0. There is no conscience here. It is the cold political calculation. They will try to save their puppet and their investment in Ukraine as long as they can. But, more than that, USA wants to save its face and go on with its usual business as if no “Ukraine” ever happened.

And, that is the real reason Kerry criticized Poroshenko.